24 Jul

How the Bank of Canada Rate Cut Will Impact Your Mortgage?


Posted by: Michael Greene

Understanding the impact of the Bank of Canada rate cut on your mortgage is important.  In an increasingly complex mortgage market, one major factor influences many Canadians’ ability to own their homes: interest rates. The recent drop in the Bank of Canada’s (BoC) prime rate by 25 basis points to 4.5% has a significant ripple […]

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20 Jun

Unlock Savings: Top Refinance Options for Homeowners in 2024


Posted by: Michael Greene

Unlock Savings: Top refinance options for homeowners to consider in 2024. Hey there, fellow homeowners! If you’re reading this, you’re probably wondering if refinancing your mortgage is the way to go. Spoiler alert: it just might be! As a friendly mortgage broker who’s seen it all, I’m here to guide you through the maze of […]

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7 Dec

Top 5 Most Affordable Housing Market in Ontario

First-Time Homebuyers

Posted by: Michael Greene

When it comes to affordable housing there is only one questin that comes to mind. Where in Ontario can you currently get the most bang for your buck? As the Ontario real estate market bounces back from the coronavirus pandemic, many homebuyers may think they may have missed out on the brief opportunity at the […]

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23 Jul

New Qualifying Rate for the Mortgage Stress Test


Posted by: Michael Greene

For the first time in three years, the Bank of Canada, on Friday lowered the qualifying rate from 5.34 percent to 5.19 percent. A typical mortgage application is tested against this five-year benchmark rate or the qualifying rate plus two percent, depending on which one is greater. This slight decrease could make a big difference for many […]

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22 Jul

How to Get a Mortgage as A Self-Employed Canadian

Mortgage Tips

Posted by: Michael Greene

You may not fit in the neat boxes at the bank. At Mortgage With Mike we don’t have boxes, we have solutions! Self-employment is becoming more and more popular amongst Canadians, who account for 15% of the population according to Statistics Canada. We have an entrepreneurial spirit and are very hard working. The problem is […]

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15 Jul

Mortgage Debt Ratios: Basics of GDS & TDS

Mortgage Tips

Posted by: Michael Greene

How are GDS and TDS calculated? You may use a mortgage calculator to determine your qualification when applying for a mortgage, it will give you have an idea of where your GDS/TDS mortgage debt ratios line up. But when applying for a mortgage first step, lenders will use the “Five C” rule when analyzing someone’s […]

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